Life is Deleesh Takes YouTube

BREAKING NEWS: I stopped talking myself out of it and finally launched a YouTube channel! Growing up, there were many women I admired, including my mother, aunts, the First Lady of my church, older female cousins and my male cousins’ girlfriends. These were women who were intentional about investing in me and I am who I am today because of them. I love sharing my knowledge, so I decided to put it all together in one YouTube channel. If that sounds like content you’re interested in, please subscribe and turn your notifications on!

I’ve found that my personality comes across much more vibrantly over video. Plus, it turns out I have a lot to say. My channel is an extension of my real-life calling, which is to help women live more abundantly. I’ll be sharing more on that later. I’ve got a lot of great content planned, and I’d love for you to join my online community.

This I’ve learned: it’s never too late to begin. Write that book, apply for that opportunity that seems too good to be true, go back to school and further your education, take a risk and move cross-country. As long as there is breath in your lungs, it’s never to late. Start today!

Check out my channel! Start with my first video and stay tuned for more!


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